Anarchy come from the Greek meaning “without rulers”. Every nation, on the international scene, believes in self governance and rejects the idea that other nations have the right to rule them or that any one nation should rule all the others. So all nations reject other rulers and could be called anarchists on the International stage. There are many individuals within every nation who feel the same way about their neighbors, they resent neighbors taking the arbitrary title of “ leader” and trying to control them. They see themselves as free spirits who are being forced to obey arbitrary laws created by wealthy elites who have risen to leadership by less than honest means.
Generally, anarchist, freedom-seekers live as outsiders in their nations often in remote rural wilderness areas where they are less likely to have to deal with police, or governments nannies. Often these freedom seeking free spirits will form loose confederations with like minded individuals and appear at public demonstrations dressed in black with bricks in hand expressing their anger at the rogue elites, and their laws. They are then identified as despisers of government who want to destroy them. This label is for the most part accurate for they do despise the arbitrary laws and arbitrary leaders who have formed governments which exist by the barrel of the gun and the power to execute dissenters.
A Christian anarchist would not find fellowship with traditional anarchists for Christians neither use violence, nor hate anyone. When a Christians takes the label “Christian Anarchist” he, or she, means he does not recognize the right of any humans to impose laws on him, for he lives under the laws of God as expressed by Jesus. He recognizes God as his supreme King and Jesus as God’s earthly representative. Therefore, since he is a citizen of another kingdom with different rulers, he does not recognize that any humans have the right to impose human laws on him. He does not despise human rulers or governments, but loves all humans including rulers and willingly obeys the laws of any land where he is living that are not in conflict with the laws of God. He sees himself as a pilgrim passing through his country, kind of like a tourist. So he does not meddle in the politics and does not serve in the armies, or intrigues in which nations are involved. His goal is to be a blessing wherever he goes and help as many people as he meets. His goal is not to tear down governments, but to have as little contact with them as possible.
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