Wednesday, January 23, 2008

My God and Your God

After his resurrection, Yahshuah met Mary of Magdala and said,

“Go and tell my Brethren that I am ascending to my father and your father, to my God and your God.”

By saying “my God” he clearly cannot be God. God cannot have a God.

My is a possessive adjective meaning something that belongs to me like my book, or my child. You cannot be the thing you possess. I am not my book , my child, or my God. Yahshuah cannot be God if he has a God. He never once claimed to be God. He taught us to call his God "father" and described him as a kind, loving, merciful, forgiving father who is like a generous farmer, or a shepherd seeking lost lambs. He sends the rain and the sun on the just and the unjust . He is not an angry judge, but a peacemaker. Yahshuah told us to imitate God (Yah) as good children imitate their father.

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Gainesville, Florida, United States
I want to do a Gospel walking tour up to Alaska, over the Bearing Staits into Russia, drop down to China, and proceed west towards Europe.