Thursday, February 28, 2008

Yahshuah was Never an Angel

Some believe Jesus was God before he became a man. Some believe he was an angel before he became a man. In this video I logically show that those two options are immpossible and theat Yahshuah was not in existence until he was begotten in Mary's womb.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Moses and Pacifism

Moses portrayed almost all the heroes in the Torah as peacemakers, who rejected solving their problems with violence.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

My God and Your God

After his resurrection, Yahshuah met Mary of Magdala and said,

“Go and tell my Brethren that I am ascending to my father and your father, to my God and your God.”

By saying “my God” he clearly cannot be God. God cannot have a God.

My is a possessive adjective meaning something that belongs to me like my book, or my child. You cannot be the thing you possess. I am not my book , my child, or my God. Yahshuah cannot be God if he has a God. He never once claimed to be God. He taught us to call his God "father" and described him as a kind, loving, merciful, forgiving father who is like a generous farmer, or a shepherd seeking lost lambs. He sends the rain and the sun on the just and the unjust . He is not an angry judge, but a peacemaker. Yahshuah told us to imitate God (Yah) as good children imitate their father.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Was Jesus Mortal or Immortal?

Mortal means you can die.
Immortal means you cannot die.
God (Yah) is immortal.
Yashuah died so he was mortal. therefore he cannot be God.

It is impossible to be mortal and immortal at the same time. So Jesus cannot be both God and Man. He is one or the other. You cannot be a being which can die and at the same time be a being who cannot die. It's like being pregnant. You can't be half pregnant. The modern preacher says Jesus was fully God and fully man. That's like saying the woman was fully pregnant and fully not pregnant. You have to be one or the other. Jesus was a mortal.

Yahshuah's favorite description for himself was "son of Adam" (son of man-a mortal).

About Me

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Gainesville, Florida, United States
I want to do a Gospel walking tour up to Alaska, over the Bearing Staits into Russia, drop down to China, and proceed west towards Europe.